My Growing City Lot

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My adventures in a Hammond Indiana backyard.


This is my expiriment of living the most simply I can on a city lot. I will garden, I will dream. I will scheme and I will change my mind a lot. My main goal? I wish to turn a city lot into an amazing garden that can provide for two and beautify the neighborhood.

Why Garden? Well why not? What have I better to do in my life? For now it is the closest I can get to the country.

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This one born 1-15-06
Birds For Sale
Local Pick-Up Only
Will Not Ship
Finches, Doves, Budgies and Cocketiels
Zebra Finches $12 each
Ring Neck Doves $15-$20 each (White, Pied, Pink Blonds)
Budgies $15 each
Cocketiels $45-$60

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